Unlocking the Power of Workplace Flexibility

Historically, managers have turned to timesheets and strict 9-to-5 office schedules as a way to gauge their employees' work ethic. While these methods may guarantee physical presence in the ...

The Go Game Has a New Platform: Weve

It’s been a busy few months here and we’ve got big news to share. Go Remote has been rebranded as Weve. (That’s right, W-e-v-e with no apostrophe. It’s a play on two words—weave (as in weaving teams together) and the contraction of we have (as in...

New Feature Release: Tournament Mode!

“It’s like March Madness goes global but with virtual gaming and hilarity at the forefront!” -Viktor C., Tournament Champion Introducing our new Tournament Mode (Tourney) where hundreds plus can play in an action-packed bracket format. Tourney...