Adventure Design Group: Nonchalance, January 22 2014


Our Adventure Design Group Speaker Series is going to kick off in 2014 with a bang! We're delighted to announce a presentation by Jeff Hull, Uriah Findley, Kerry Gould and Kat Meler from Nonchalance: storytellers from a less ordinary world.
Nonchalance is a situational design agency whose mission is to provoke discovery through visceral experience and pervasive play, interactive narrative, game design, augmented reality, automated environments, event production, installation art, spatial navigation and cultural curation.

They are the creators of the Games of Nonchalance / The Jejune Institute, which has quite possibly set the high-water mark in crafted fictional universes embedded in the real world. It won Best World & Best Story at Indiecade 2010, and Best Alternate Reality (how cool that this is an award!?) in SF Bay Guardian Best of the Bay 2010. It was the subject of the acclaimed documentary film The Institute, now available on iTunes and Amazon.

Nonchalance and the Jejune Institute have been a huge inspiration for the Go Game in the way that they've embedded extraordinary mysteries, puzzles and stories into the everyday world -- making the city more magical. We're really psyched to hear what they have to say!

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