TheGoGame Blog

Remote Team Building for Virtual Teams

Written by finnspin | Feb 25, 2020 2:11:35 AM

Check out these interesting statistics from a report that show the ever increasing prevalence of remote workers.

  • In the US in 2017, 24% of all full-time employees spent a certain amount of time telecommuting.
  • Only 15% of US companies didn’t allow remote work.
  • 75% of companies worldwide adopted flexible working policies.
  • 83% of entrepreneurs said flexible hours boosted productivity.

With the tremendous movement towards flexible workplaces in mind, The Go Game built the world’s first Remote Team Building platform, designed specifically to address the needs remote staff and their feeling of connectedness.  Here’s what telecommuters are reporting to be their top three struggles when working remotely.

With loneliness and collaboration being at the top of the list, the need for meaningful connection has never been greater.  The Go Game believes that playing together is one of the best ways to build rapport and connection.  To play Remotely Fun, all you have to do is show up at the appointed time and our updated quiver of games keeps players engaged as well as eliciting belly rolls of cacophonous laughter.  From our initial beta tests, just 30 minutes of game play has a meaningful impact on connection and subsequent communication between players.  


What's the points?

Remotely Fun tracks team points, as well as individual points, and keeps a healthy balance of competition and arbitrary fun.   It’s clear by the end of the game that everyone emerges a winner simply from participating.   The design of the game also determines how and when players will contribute, ensuring that everyone is heard and seen and nobody can simply hide out in the corner checking email.

Appeals Across Generation

The content has been specifically designed to be cross generational, and can be curated to be culturally neutral.  We’ll use questions about the planets and decoding riddles, rather than Super Bowl halftime trivia.

Game Types in Remotely Fun 

Name That Tune
Multiple Choice Trivia
Buzz In Games
Fact Match
Collaborating Drawing

We are currently running free demos for up to 25 players during the month of February and March.  Sign up here!